8 CV Writing Tips!

caveman_resume_4977651. Tailor It!

Are you one of the millions of people who print off 100’s of copies of the same CV to hand out to anyone with a job?  Well… Stop! Look at each job advert and research the company to work out what skills they need, and which ones you have. This way you can use your CV as a tool to not just show your skills, but the skills you have that makes you the ideal hire for the role. The company will appreciate the effort and are more likely to spend time reading your CV, that tossing it in the bin! Read more…

10 Mistakes Candidates Make When Looking For A Job

DOH1. Lack of Planning and Focus

The majority of candidates don’t put much thought into their job search, and therefore aren’t very successful. Ensure that you set a basic strategy that works for you, which helps you to focus on your goals. Once this is in place you should look at common interview questions and practice answers to them. Don’t leave it until the day of your interview, be prepared! Read more…

How Facebook Can Effect Your Interview Success

Facebook CandidateChances are when you arrive at your interview the person interviewing you has already typed your name into Facebook and had a quick browse of your profile. This means they’ll already you’ll already have made your first impression, and it may be negative before you’ve even entered the building. Read more…

What NOT to do at an interview!

Body Langauge Donts CandidateAs soon as you walk into the building you are being judged and the interviewer will base their first impressions of you on your non-verbal communication. Therefore, you need to ensure you’re giving off the right message. Read more…

5 Things You Should Know When Recruiting Using Twitter

TwitterFinding good people to fill vacancies is really tough, but having a successful Twitter strategy can help make the process a little easier. The myth is that it’s easy to get thousands of followers, and that’s true. But if you want your recruitment via Twitter to be a success you must ensure your followers have a real interest in your industry and what you have to say. For this you’ll have to work a bit harder! Read more…

5 Questions Great Candidates WILL ask you!

Questions candiates should askAre you prepared for that point in an interview where you ask “Do you have any questions?” Here are some examples of questions good candidates will ask you.

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11 Things YOU Need To Know When Recruiting Online

Online recruiting tips1. Research

The first thing you should do when starting your recruitment process is to do some research. This should include research surrounding the skills you’d like to see in your ideal hire. This will allow you to use these in your search criteria and find candidates with relevant skills.

You should also research the terminology that is used in the industry. Skills, responsibilities and company names can be expressed in a wide variety of ways so you should make sure you understand these so you can use them in your candidate search effectively.

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What Does A Candidates Body Language Tell You About Them?

Non Verbal ComDuring the first few minutes of an interview you can gain an insight into the candidate’s personality through their nonverbal communication. It also allows you to form impressions of the candidate before they speak.

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6 Ways To Motivate YOUR Call Centre Staff


If you want your team to perform you must give them the tools to do so. Regular and relevant training keeps their skills at the forefront, showing that management see their professional development as a worthwhile investment. It provides them with the right skills to focus on the task at hand, and can help them understand how their work fits into the company’s structure and goals. Read more…

5 Top Tips For Recruiting On LinkedIn

LinkedIn1.        Searching for Candidates

The search feature allows you to easily find people on LinkedIn, however if you are looking for potential candidates it will take more work. There are a number of users on LinkedIn that you will find relatively easy as they use straight forward key words when describing their experience and qualifications. However there are others who use abbreviations instead, meaning that if you were to search for these using the full key word, these people won’t show in the search results.  This means that with every search you conduct you will find candidates that suitable, but also exclude some. Read more…

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